Thursday, June 10, 2010

Caty & Wilson

So back to playing catch up so y'all can check out what you'd like and I can finally be in the present with this guy!!

Our cousin Caty got married in May, and what a beautiful wedding it was! It was nice time with'd been a while since we were all at a wedding together :)

A few shots from the ceremony - the grand entrance...

...the LONG first kiss :) ...

...the happy couple making their way out of the church.
Tyler's abstract can see us in the reflection :)
The reception hall had a random sign posted - had to share!

a few solo shots

My mom, tio vidal and Lita!
This was cool. Wilson is Chinese, so he had a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony of 'waking the dragon'.

Of course, baby Isaiah made his debut - and he looked so adorable!! We all passed him around.

Tyler FINALLY got to hold him...he was feeling under the weather when he was first born, so he was being good and staying away from the baby until he felt better.

Here's the other mom currently growing her baby - trying to get a little practice in.

Mom TRYING to get natural with a baby in her arms...she better - only 3 months left until her next grand child is born...and a soon after, her second great-grand child!

Here's a better generation pic (than the last taken the day he got home from the hospital).
We are due about 10 days a part - you can kinda see our bellies here :)

Cousin Maribel's cutie of a little boy!! I just want to squeeze his cheeks!!

Isn't Lita just adorable?!

The father-daughter dance...I know my tio vidal was so sad! Now both his girls are married and out of the house. He's such a sensitive dad...we've shared some times chatting about the girls and raising them.
Super cute cake!

What a fun night it was. The events unfolded kinda late so we weren't able to stay too long. I was ready for some dancing, but we had Info Booth duties at church the next day so we had to be up early :(...Beautiful wedding Caty & Wilson - congrats!

1 comment:

caty said...

aww i just barely saw this pixs, i guess i had skipped over them since i follow your blog here and there. sigh such a fun night. too bad it did start late.. our awesome best man locked the keys to the car in the car while we were taking pictures haha so we were least we had a good story to share..