Back to the topic here...on the first of September, my amazingly talented, kind and loving husband and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary! Can you believe it?! We barely can!!
We have been fortunate enough to be able to celebrate our anniversaries (up to this point) out of town. We know what a huge blessing that is! If you're a memory junkie like me, or just have some time to kill online, and would like to live through September 1 in our world since 2007, enjoy the following links: Wedding Slideshow (via 3rd anniv post), Anniversary #1 - Mexico, Anniversary #2 - Hawaii, Anniversary #3 - Napa.
This year, we decided to keep it local again and just head to San Francisco for the weekend. Feels like we go their often for one thing or another, Emma alone has been there at least 3-4 times in her first year, but it's always straight to what we're going for and straight back home. Neither one of us had every really done touristy things or checked out the landmark sites. Crazy, right?
We kicked off the weekend by attending our yearly Giants vs Dodgers game :) Emma's carrying out the Father's Day tradition I had with my daddy, with hers - Tickets to the game!! Eventually, she'll come too, but this time around she sat it out (she has already attended a Giants game, no skin off her nose). BACK TO US (wow, I sure do get side tracked, don't I?!)..Tyler took the day off and after a late/lazy morning, we started our time in SF with a late lunch at MoMos.
We'd always noticed it across from the park, but again, we usually go straight to the game and back, so it was nice to get their early and have a relaxing lunch to start our day...
(wow major baby bangs going on there!)
We go to the park early enough to catch batting practice. We were actually one of the first like 10 people in the park that day - pretty sure that's the earliest we've EVER been! It was nice to see it fill up..we walked around and just took it all in
OH - and PS: we usually pay about $140 for these seats, but this last year (even after winning the pennant!) I bought them as soon as they went on sale and got them for $40 (without the $1)...CRAZY cheap!
...and we enjoyed the game...

So - now you know our game tix were super cheap...Tyler and I use a Hilton Honors Amex and earn points for hotel stays. Seriously, we put everything on it to rack up the points, and once or twice a year we exchange points for a hotel room. We had so many points towards the end of the summer that we were able to stay at Fisherman's Wharf Hilton for 2 nights - Free!...there I go again, more background :) When we got back to our room that night, we had this lovely little champagne and truffles set waiting for us. A little gift from the manager, since we're gold members ;0 - wahoo!

(they also gave us free breakfast each morning, at the time of check in!)
The next day (after our free bfast), we went on a tour of the city (only $19 through SpreeBird/Screamin' Daily Deals if you sign up through this link, I get cash credit;0) Oh my goodness, we got to see SO MUCH!
Our tour started at the painted ladies, aka, the 'face' of 'Full House'. The yellow one right behind me was 'their house'.
I've ALWAYS wanted a pic with the bridge in the background! Mmm..quite possibly one that didn't have my hair covering my face or hanging on to Tyler for dear life (because it was so incredibly windy!!)...but it is what it is ;0
here's my stud of a hubby ;0
We thought this sign was pretty funny. It's header should be, "Don't do...anything here."
We went to the top of some hill (yeah, memory is not the best anymore) and got to see a beautiful view of the City...and another model shot of my handsome hubby.
Sunday morning, we walked along Fisherman's Wharf and down to the pier. We stopped in the Rainforest Cafe and saw these bar stools...couldn't help but take a fun pic on them.
...then before we headed home, we walked around the Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival...and made our last stop a little desert break......mmmmmmmmm.

So, folks, there you have how we spent our fourth anniversary! Quite fun ;0 It was a little bit of a financial stretch to plan the trip, so we enjoyed each blessing the Lord put in our path along the way. We actually spent as much as we would have on perhaps a day trip or even a day in Modesto...or one of those walk up and down every isle at Target days ;0. God is so good! Makes the memory of the weekend that much sweeter.
what fun you had! So glad you got to be alone together. what a blessing. Isn't God good?! Love you sis!!!
Great pictures. you need to let Ty do more of you. :) and fun story line. don't mind the rabbit trails. Gives us a better look at what's happenin in your life.
Happy 4 years to you guys!! How awesome is that. What a fun trip to SF. Love the fotos. Reminds me of the trip Jair and I had a few years ago. Congrats to you both and many more. Thanks for the chat yesterday. Its what I've been needing. Love you 3 dearly.
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