It was a an early mornin', grad day was ;0 We left the house as soon as Emma woke up, about 6, and drove to Hayward. This was that wonderfully summery weekend at the beginning of the month that WAS COLD!! Good thing I over pack and think things for felt silly, but not sure what we would have done without it since we wouldn't have been able to watch from the car ;)
(how adorable is that double chin?!!!)
We were able to find her a midst the army of grads...
if you look at the center you see her waving at us :)
and the whole Alvarez and Aguirre clans were there to show our support for her!
Afterwards she had us go to ChaChaCha, a place that is known for their sangria...and boy was it tastey!!
A couple of weeks ago, she had her party...
Not only is this cake adorable, but this lady makes DELICIOUS cakes!! Almost made me willing to drop some cash to have her make Emma's bday cake...almost;0

Diana's heels were pretty sassy, and since here 'usual attire' consists of flip-flops year round, we had to snap a shot :)
Here's my beauty!!!
we were thinking her stinkin' cute outfit gave cousin Shurl a run for her money on being the cutie of the party!!
...and she may have agreed :)
(don't be surprised if you see a swap out of red tutu and bow for purple!)
we just so happen to match the color scheme from the invite and party ;0
the proud Tere
My cousin, Lila, who works her tail off and is in a pretty tight race for mother of the year with how much she's involved with her two kiddos while working full time plus (mouthful!) took a breather and had to snap proof that she was unwinding with a beverage...I think it's the first time I've seen her drink;0
Isaiah was proud of his auntie
Marisol just may be one of Emma's biggest fans ;)
the grad's proud parents
this picture makes my eyes well up with a few tears. he (Uncle Joe) resembles my dad so's the closest we'll be to seeing what it may have looked like for Grandpa to hold his little Emma
all-girl cousin pic...But we couldn't get Emma to look at the camera because she wanted to be on the dance floor with the other kids (and looking at the lights!)
SO...our many congrats to the grad. So proud of how much you've accomplished! Make-up school in LA, Cosmetology school and a certified Nail Tech...and now her bachelor's under her belt too! We're hoping that next on the agenda will be a Masters ;0
to see all the pics, click here
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