Friday, February 18, 2011


While I know I'm a struggler in this area, I am learning more and more that EVERYONE struggles with lack of 'freedom', so I had to share comments at the end :)  Click here for some background tunes...a song that came to mind while reading :) 
"I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts."
Psalm 119:45 (NIV)         
Devotion:Being busy, overwhelmed in fact, made me feel important. I loved nothing more than creating a to-do list, simply for the happiness of checking it off. Even better was recounting the day back to my husband; my life sounded so important! Running around had a purpose.
Busyness quieted the voices of insignificance that screamed inside my head. But it wore me down. The pay-off simply wasn't there.
Soon I sensed God asking me to take things off my plate. When I didn't, He started removing by one. That is when I began to experience freedom and the peace that comes from simply being. I found my completion in being His girl. The more I embraced the Lord, the more His freedom became the thing I cherished. defines freedom as the state of being free or at liberty, rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.
Freedom is my word for 2011, a word I want to fully understand. A word I am defining for me as: unconfined by my human limitations; free to be an expression of my amazing God and His revolutionary love.
David must have been a bit like me; a man prone to have to preach to himself on occasion. He gave himself this command, "I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts" (Psalm 119:45, NIV).
In the original language "freedom" here means spacious, broad, roomy. That's not exactly how most non-Christians would describe Christians. But spacious, broad and roomy is exactly what Jesus has for those who are His.
Since God is not a God of chaos or confinement, when I follow His ways He brings freedom. He causes the things He has not called me to do, or to be a part of, to fade in the background. That is where my purpose is peaceful.
Father, I need Your freedom - the ability to move about without being driven by compulsion or emotions. I seek Your direction to find Your freedom. I choose to allow my expectations to fade, enabling my family and friends to walk in a spacious and broad place. I choose to walk in Your ways, not cluttering life with me and my agenda, but having room to be led by Your Spirit. Thank You, Lord, for giving me what only You can give...true freedom. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Stop by Lynn's blog today. She is hosting a special "freedom" give away!
Application Steps:  In what area of life do you struggle to experience freedom and peace? Take today's key verse and insert your struggle. For example: "I will walk about in freedom from controlling my family, for I have sought out Your precepts." Write this out. Memorize it. Make it your go-to place when you need God's freedom.
Maybe like Lynn was, you are addicted to frenzy and you don't want to exchange crazy for calm. Ask the Lord to give you a desire to experience His peace.
Reflections:  Why do I struggle to have freedom in certain areas of my life? (Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the root cause of the struggle.)
With the root revealed, what actions do I need to take toward freedom? (For example: pray for faith, choose forgiveness, focus on my completion in Christ, etc.)
Power Verses: Galatians 5:1, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (NIV)  
SO, what do you think?  Why do you think we all struggle from having too much on our plates?  What is the obsession of being a 'yes' person all about?  Over the past few years, my life has begun to 'empty' itself of all things it used to be full her statement that God started to remove things from her plate one by one is one I definitely get. 
Before and now after the 'car' lessons and direction, a theme that has come in and out of my readings and study time is sit and be still.  Something our pastor (Ron) mentioned a couple of weeks back was: instead of 'don't just stand there, do something; God wants us to not just do something, stand there'.  What a concept, huh?  Stand there so we can hear His voice and be able to jump right on in to where He leads.  The church is doing 'Experiencing God' over the next few months.  It's what each sermon will be based on, all the kids are following along in their classes and all the life groups are also going through this.  Where we are with that is the base of listening for God.  How do you hear Him in the midst of clutter and doing and busyness?  Ya don't.  And we allow all this 'stuff' to keep us so busy that we don't make time to be in the Word or prayer.  
I was even talking with Tyler not too long ago about making/setting some goals for myself.  What am I to be doing with my time now that I'm at home; working towards; focus for each week, etc.  Thought it was about time to start thinking and praying about such things.  However, after 2 nights of good rest (after the zoo of the last 3 weeks I've been through) our life group meeting last night and this devo, I'm thinking that I may just sit in this freedom for a bit longer...until God speaks and moves me in a different direction.  Now that sounds awesome...breath a sigh of relief ;)...I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

Cathy/Nani said...

Good thoughts. I need to take more time to check this out.. when there are not one hundred things going on before I leave. :)
Truth. if we let it, it can change us. :)