Well...it's been long enough, yeah?! :) Here are some of the pics from our time in Indiana at the end of this past year.
all completely cute as can be! while we did enjoy nap times -ours or their's ;) - we absolutely loved having them around each day we were there.
The beautiful snow...
...that we admired from indoors. well...we did go out in it upon occasion. (like to go to applebees or the coffee shop that had karaoke night ;0 ) OH and Tyler and I tagged along on Matt and Charrie's photo shoot. I just about froze out there so spent lots of time sitting in the car and watching them take their pics ;) here are some of our fun pics (not necessarily the best of the bunch)
...i know some of you haven't gotten enough of us kissing... ;)
here we are with charrie and matt
We had Christmas morning while we were there and got to watch all the kids open up presents..
We were so incredibly thrilled to be able to share in Connie & Tyson's wedding vow renewal!

Here are some cute fam shots...

Here are some cute fam shots...
...and the fun we were having playing games during the reception
for some reason, this shot makes me think of Michael Jackson moves :) maybe it's the white socks?! :)

i think this picture of thomas and justin is just adorable! like father, like son.
OH look - the decor looks almost professional, yeah?! :)
10 days didn't seem long enough! and how could it be when we don't get to see these guys all the time. How we wish we all lived closer!
This was our last day there...we celebrated Cassie's actual birthday, and Dennis' a little early so that we could all be a part of it.
The Connie's were matching that day :) too cute!

...then it was time to come home ;( Back to life as we know it :)
so many special times were shared, and memories made...and now they shall all continue to grow through skype dates! :) (hint-hint; we need them!)
Miss you guys a ton!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and sharing your story. I love how God used my devotional to answer the prayers that filled your heart.
I pray that as you make your plans, He would continue to direct your steps and that He would give you eyes to see and ears to hear all He has to speak. I pray you will trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and in all your ways acklowedge Him, knowing He WILL direct your paths. And in the midst, I pray the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind.
What a great reminder of wonderful times this last Christmas. :) I love pictures.. too bad I never take any.. Am thankful for kids with great camera's. :) LOVE YOU both.
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