Had the HUGE blessing of my mom taking Em for a few hours on Thursday while I baked and put together Tyler's bday cake (pics to come as I'm in the midst now;0)
I love alone time...maybe a little too much. I just love to be brain dead sometimes, but I also love the internet and the opportunity to be able to listen to different sermons. One church that I watch online when I can is Elevation Church, which I shared from on Friday. I heard of them through Lysa TerKeurst who attends there.
Every time I have gone to listen, it's been UH-mazing. Totally what I didn't realize that I needed to hear. Love how the Lord does that.
Anyhow, the video I wanted to share is part 2 of the one I posted Friday.
Listen all the way through, even if you're thinking, 'this doesn't apply to me'...because, I'm sure you'll eventually hear something that is JUST FOR YOU...like I did. And if you know me and my life story, I'm sure you'll know exactly the words that I heard when I felt the blow to the gut not once, but twice ;0 FUN. but. AMAZING.
Thank you, Lord, for your Word!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Video for Ya
Oh me, oh my....what a wonderful word that is delivered here through Holly Furtick at Elevation Church.
Don't want to ramble too much so that you can use whatever time you have here today to watch! Praying it really speaks to you the way it did me ;0
Don't want to ramble too much so that you can use whatever time you have here today to watch! Praying it really speaks to you the way it did me ;0
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Happy Birthday!
When Emma was done getting dressed, she INSISTED on her 'orange jacket' ;0 Which is the perfect day for it to be requested.
Happy Birthday, Tyler!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Back in February, we enjoyed a fabulous day of sunshine and impromptu family fun at the park! Diana was watching Isaiah, and my mom and Lita were hanging all hanging out together...Jasmine was hanging with Em and I...and while we were waiting for Crystal to get out of school (and come pick up Isaiah) we decided to head over to the park and play with the kiddos!
...and they were off! They RAN to the toys ;0
and went directly to the swings for some 'weeee - fun!'
I'm sure you're thinking, "OK, you live across the street from the park, I'm sure you go often"...kinda, but this day was extra special, and more fun than usual. We decided to play along with the kids and have some fun ourselves! Not just watch, follow and push ;0
(ug...this pic was my motivation to start working out;0)
Crystal arrived and joined in the fun!
Lita was just watching at first...
then SHE decided to jump on a swing too!
kids were having fun just everywhere!
Jasmine was having some 1-on-1 time with Em;0
Who'd have thought that Lita at 89 (and months away from 90!) would be swinging away at the park?! so FUN! I hope I am like her when I'm 89 ;0
...sigh...i couldn't help but to text Tyler that day and say, "THIS is what being able to stay at home is all about! Fun, family times and special memories."
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Thank You!
I'm having one of those mornings that would normally overwhelm and frustrate me, and get me all riled up to be not so much fun to be around today.
I feel at peace.
I felt myself still in the whirlwind of the zoo I was stuck in the middle of.
SOMEONE out there is praying over me this morning, and I just wanted to say I FEEL IT - THANK YOU. Whoever you are, you are AWESOME for listening to the prompting of me on your heart.
I'm at peace and headed for a phenomenal day! I CAN FEEL THE LORD and His presence all around me. THANK YOU, JESUS, for giving me this peace and joy!
If I can be praying anything specific for YOU, please let me know! I'd love to assist in asking for this feeling to be over anyone else that may need it ;0
I feel at peace.
I felt myself still in the whirlwind of the zoo I was stuck in the middle of.
SOMEONE out there is praying over me this morning, and I just wanted to say I FEEL IT - THANK YOU. Whoever you are, you are AWESOME for listening to the prompting of me on your heart.
I'm at peace and headed for a phenomenal day! I CAN FEEL THE LORD and His presence all around me. THANK YOU, JESUS, for giving me this peace and joy!
If I can be praying anything specific for YOU, please let me know! I'd love to assist in asking for this feeling to be over anyone else that may need it ;0
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Not sure if you've heard of the book, One Thousand Gifts. I have definitely seen it (I remember the cover) at Target, most likely;0, but I've been told I need to read all the books I have before I buy anymore so the challenge is on!
Back to this book ;0
I was invited to attend a Wives Club last week, (which was AMAZING and hope to be able to go again!) and they were discussing the Joy Dare, which sounded intriguing...so I came home and googled it ;) What an amazing thing! It's based on the book, One Thousand Gifts. The author has created a website dedicated to helping you find joy in one THOUSAND things throughout the year. While it may be April, that's still a whole lot more intentional joy finding than if you hadn't done it all! Check out the website here (aholyexperience.com).
Had to share! In the midst of life's craziness, we can all use a little focus on things that are positive; reminding us of things that bring us joy and that we're grateful for. Enjoy! And let me know if you do it ;0
Back to this book ;0
I was invited to attend a Wives Club last week, (which was AMAZING and hope to be able to go again!) and they were discussing the Joy Dare, which sounded intriguing...so I came home and googled it ;) What an amazing thing! It's based on the book, One Thousand Gifts. The author has created a website dedicated to helping you find joy in one THOUSAND things throughout the year. While it may be April, that's still a whole lot more intentional joy finding than if you hadn't done it all! Check out the website here (aholyexperience.com).
Had to share! In the midst of life's craziness, we can all use a little focus on things that are positive; reminding us of things that bring us joy and that we're grateful for. Enjoy! And let me know if you do it ;0
Friday, April 13, 2012
Chatty Patty
Emma has turned in to a chatter box! Well, reality is, she's always been a bit chatty, BUT, over the past week or so, she's started to be a little Chatty Patty 24-7! This was our entertainment on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa Burton's a couple of weeks ago - some singing, some chatting. We were in the car, so you may have to turn up the volume and disregard the car noise!
I think at one point she was singing 'nani's here' in this one (since she'd just seen nani and fam;0)...
a little old mac donald here...
here's how our days sound...
her new fave song!
Over the past few weeks she's really kicked up the speaking with sentences, and just blurting out words we didn't r=know she knew...so much fun!
This is something the Lord has continually put in my readings and in my path over the past month or so. Of course, wanted to share incase you needed a reminder that it is He you hear a-knockin' ;0
Happy Friday all!!
"I was a stranger and you invited me in ..." Matthew 25:35 (NIV 1984)
After five years of living in our house, my husband finally agreed we needed curtains on the windows. Not to block the view, but to enhance it. (That is a breakthrough, right there.)
Deciding on just the right thing, at just the right sale price, was a challenge. In the span of a week I put up rods, ironed drapes, switched them out and took them down. The gals in the drapery department at the local store knew me by my first name.
The last place I planned to be was at the mall, exchanging curtains, on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. But there I was, ringing out at the register.
And there she was, Vivian. She breathlessly approached the counter asking to use the phone. It seemed this young girl had been dropped off to go to work and discovered she wasn't scheduled. She needed to find someone to pick her up.
That's when I felt a familiar knock on my heart. Actually, it was pounding pretty good. I knew when I felt that it meant God had an interruption planned.
"Do you need a ride?" I asked. All activity stopped. She looked at me quizzically. The cashier waited to see what would happen next. Vivian cocked her head to the side in disbelief and replied, "Uh, yes."
"I'm leaving; I'll take you," came out of my mouth.
Can I just say that was not on my agenda? My list was probably like yours, a mile long with things that needed to be done before the end of the day. But the truths of Matthew 25 resonated within me. I knew God asked me to be on the lookout for strangers to invite in: into my home, into my church and it appeared, into my routine.
I discovered a little bit about my new friend during our ride. She has seven siblings. Because of her mom's drug abuse, five were adopted out of the family six years ago, leaving just her and her brother. No one wants 13 and 14 year olds she explained. Her decisions thereafter took her down some wrong roads.
We talked about church and she said she'd been a few times, but didn't go now.
"Vivian, God put us together on purpose today. He has a plan for your life. You didn't expect to run into me and I didn't expect to run into you, yet here we are. Unusual, don't you think?"
She agreed. "Yes. In today's world, no one takes a chance on anyone. I couldn't believe you offered me a ride."
I asked about her past and her hopes for the future. In twenty minutes we bonded. "Are you working Sunday?" I asked.
"No, I'm off," she replied.
"I'll pick you up for church if you want to go with us." She said she thought that would be great!
I got out of the car and wrapped her in a hug. Then I prayed over her as we stood amazed at how quickly we'd connected.
Looking back, I'm thankful for interruptions; some of the most memorable moments have been unexpected. God wants to interrupt us for His purposes, inviting Him and others into our lives in unexpected ways.
Dear Lord, please open my heart, my eyes, and my routine to Your divine interruptions. May it be said of me, I'm a woman who invited You in. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Visit Luann's blog and listen to her Encouragement Café radio show for loads of fun and spiritual application for real life!
Will you pray about inviting a Compassion International child into your heart?
Reflect and Respond:
"The ultimate rich man, Jesus Christ, became poor for you. That means that we ought to be deeply involved in the lives of broken people in this city. And it means not just giving your charity, giving your money, though that's very important. But it means giving your time, giving your relationship ..." ~Tim Keller
Look for ways God is interrupting you today. Who can you 'invite in'?
Power Verses:
Proverbs 16:9, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." (ESV)
Matthew 25:35-40, "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'" (ESV)
Happy Friday all!!
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13, 2012 Interrupt Me Luann Prater |
"I was a stranger and you invited me in ..." Matthew 25:35 (NIV 1984)
After five years of living in our house, my husband finally agreed we needed curtains on the windows. Not to block the view, but to enhance it. (That is a breakthrough, right there.)
Deciding on just the right thing, at just the right sale price, was a challenge. In the span of a week I put up rods, ironed drapes, switched them out and took them down. The gals in the drapery department at the local store knew me by my first name.
The last place I planned to be was at the mall, exchanging curtains, on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. But there I was, ringing out at the register.
And there she was, Vivian. She breathlessly approached the counter asking to use the phone. It seemed this young girl had been dropped off to go to work and discovered she wasn't scheduled. She needed to find someone to pick her up.
That's when I felt a familiar knock on my heart. Actually, it was pounding pretty good. I knew when I felt that it meant God had an interruption planned.
"Do you need a ride?" I asked. All activity stopped. She looked at me quizzically. The cashier waited to see what would happen next. Vivian cocked her head to the side in disbelief and replied, "Uh, yes."
"I'm leaving; I'll take you," came out of my mouth.
Can I just say that was not on my agenda? My list was probably like yours, a mile long with things that needed to be done before the end of the day. But the truths of Matthew 25 resonated within me. I knew God asked me to be on the lookout for strangers to invite in: into my home, into my church and it appeared, into my routine.
I discovered a little bit about my new friend during our ride. She has seven siblings. Because of her mom's drug abuse, five were adopted out of the family six years ago, leaving just her and her brother. No one wants 13 and 14 year olds she explained. Her decisions thereafter took her down some wrong roads.
We talked about church and she said she'd been a few times, but didn't go now.
"Vivian, God put us together on purpose today. He has a plan for your life. You didn't expect to run into me and I didn't expect to run into you, yet here we are. Unusual, don't you think?"
She agreed. "Yes. In today's world, no one takes a chance on anyone. I couldn't believe you offered me a ride."
I asked about her past and her hopes for the future. In twenty minutes we bonded. "Are you working Sunday?" I asked.
"No, I'm off," she replied.
"I'll pick you up for church if you want to go with us." She said she thought that would be great!
I got out of the car and wrapped her in a hug. Then I prayed over her as we stood amazed at how quickly we'd connected.
Looking back, I'm thankful for interruptions; some of the most memorable moments have been unexpected. God wants to interrupt us for His purposes, inviting Him and others into our lives in unexpected ways.
Dear Lord, please open my heart, my eyes, and my routine to Your divine interruptions. May it be said of me, I'm a woman who invited You in. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Related Resources:
Visit Luann's blog and listen to her Encouragement Café radio show for loads of fun and spiritual application for real life!
Will you pray about inviting a Compassion International child into your heart?
Reflect and Respond:
"The ultimate rich man, Jesus Christ, became poor for you. That means that we ought to be deeply involved in the lives of broken people in this city. And it means not just giving your charity, giving your money, though that's very important. But it means giving your time, giving your relationship ..." ~Tim Keller
Look for ways God is interrupting you today. Who can you 'invite in'?
Power Verses:
Proverbs 16:9, "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." (ESV)
Matthew 25:35-40, "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'" (ESV)
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Wrapping up the trip
SO...think I've drug this out long enough?! I am realizing that I'm losing motivation to share Jan/Feb because I'm so stuck on finishing these first! So here we go...the last bit of our trip in December ;0
Missing everyone SO MUCH! Especially after seeing the O'Connors recently...
Here are some pics of the 'suprise' morning...when Dennis & Cathy woke up to find the O'Connors sleeping in the living room!
The gang singing a beautiful song at church....not the best photo and because I was watching after Em I couldn't video this year ;(...and somehow Tyler and Thomas got out of it?!
Love Jacob's little personality!
Little Reindeer Em ;0
Kid Corner
The boys doing their dance for us
Love how emma needed no direction in 'how to unwrap gifts' ;0
Steph and I hanging during photo shoot;0
what would Boyd time be without game time?!
can't believe this little cutie pie turns ONE this weekend!
Aunt Connie lovin on EM
the boys ;0
the play madness...
the movement of this pic is kind of what the trip felt like! It just flew right on by
Then...it was time to come home. Here's our little Em getting in her seat! She already looks so much bigger since then! 4 months sure does make a big difference! And she's got so much hair now ;0
She really did do well on the flights. and adjusted to the time zones perfectly; and we (I) learned so much from family chats, about myself, the Lord and just being a better mama to Em and wife through it all...We love you, family! Missing you and anxiously awaiting you this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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