Just because she's ADORABLE ;0 (and lets face it, we're all about posting her cute pics!)
...here are a couple of group cousin and cousin-cousin shots that we took back at the end of May at
Tio Carlos' 80th birthday!
it was so nice to see Aguirre family...lots of great memories going on vaca to huntington beach or el centro with my parents to spend time with them...and now that we're all grown up, times together are (very) few and far between...
had to share this pic just because it's not often Tia "duck (as em sometimes call her;0)" has her hairs all down and out of her jammies;0
Our little compassionate girl.
As many of you know, Tyler's just endured a very tiring and long trek of working incredibly hard and long hours/days (long enough to have earned nearly 3 additional weeks of vacation!)....this day he was just tired and having a head ache and Ms Em went to comfort him and rub his head...
The fair
always fun to go see the animals! Especially when it's 'free before 3':0
one of our first Boyd family outings with the newly arrived Matt, Charrie & Caden!
Emma was not having taking one of these pics...until she saw popi do it too!
little girl is becoming such a big girl! She's being more and more independent (awesome, yes;0)...just much sooner than we realized she would! Here she is finally up on a step stool taking control of brushing her teeth
on our way home from san diego (in May) we stopped at downtown disney for a walk and dinner...why not, it was just off of the freeway anyhow! i rarely get pics WITH em let alone one of her hugging me!
one thing that emma LOVES is going to grandma and grandpas for 1. peaches and 2. to see the cows!
she loves running all about their backyard!
and that day she was particularly interested in grandma being with her;0
...family...love these girls - and i think in the past FIVE years, this is the first pic we've taken!

we were together for Dani's baby shower - so we thought we'd get a full cousin pic including her in it;0
here's Em visiting grandpa (Luis)
While Emma and I don't go visit often, she apparently knows the drill from when she goes with Tere
getting him fresh flowers, and fixing up/wiping down his marker
...can't wait for her to meet him some day!
And there you have it...a few of the random times in our lives over the past 3 months!
1 comment:
awww those are beautiful pics!! Makes me miss home even more! :( The fair, Gma n Gpas, Danis shower and soon Emma and Gavins birthday parties :(
Thanks for keeping us long distance people up to date. Go Emma on her potty training and being miss independant! She is soo cute. Wish I could get to know her more. Love the one of her comforting Ty. Such a soft, loving heart!! <3 you guys. Can't wait to see pics of the party this weekend!! <3
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