He's here! After about 12 hours, the beautiful little guy made his way in to the world.
The grandma and great-grandmas...
The very proud aunt :)
Ya know I had to get in there and hold him as soon as I could!
Here's Lita when she was finally able to see him.
Here are a few other shots of him during his first photo shoot with Tia Connie :)
yeahh!!! Parabens, Tia!!! Congrats. He is adorable. Look at all that hair!! Swweet. Looks like mama. Congrats to your niece. Gods blessings on their new little family!! How are you feeling these days? We need to have you guys over soon!!! ;) <3 you.
PS He was born on Joshes birthday! ;)
Look at all that amazing hair. ;0
What a cutie!!!
You and Tyler going to have a baby with a full head of hair?:) That will be really different for the Boyds. Crystal didn't have hair til she was almost 2.
Hope things are going well. I will call you soon. Have been busy.
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