So, as I sit here letting my fingers and toes dry from my at-home mani and pedi (yup, I've given up the salon as we are learning to budget), I thought I would make good use of my time and do something that I have been meaning to! Tyler says, I am a story teller - I always go back before getting to where I'm going :)
I thought I would give a little more detail on the adoption and the 'turning of a new leaf' that we mentioned, since that has been brought up in several conversations in the past few months.
As we stated, we felt a new stage of life coming on as we wrote our newsletter. It was nice that it was being felt by the both of us; the Lord was keeping us on the same page :) It made it nice when we started moving forward. After much prayer and complete peace in our hearts, I gave notice at my job that I have been at in one capacity or another, since November of 1997. The direction wasn't quite clear at that point - other than out. I gave a 5 month notice and have 1 month left at my job. I started to work part-time in March to wrap up my time there.
Thoughts on the 'next step' have been going to nursing school, or just school of some sort. Or just searching for jobs in fields that seem interesting and trying them out. The 'plan' was to keep an open mind and to figure it out after some no work and rest time over the summer.
Shortly after (days!) giving this notice at work, we had the following conversation:
ME: man I've been incredibly hungry the last 2 days - like never before...
TYLER: uh...are you pregnant?
ME: gasp - um....
approximately 5 minutes later we had a positive pregnancy test and an array of emotions going on - then we took another test to make sure, followed by going down to Kaiser 2 days later to make extra sure. We just couldn't believe it!
We know we caused a little confusion as we started to share the news - some were wondering if we were paper pregnant, or why were were talking adoption in December.
...which takes me to the other item to comment on!
Tyler has always had a heart to care for the orphans and widows, as he's heard of throughout the years from the Bible. Randomly, in 5th grade I was having a conversation with my aunt and said 'I'm going to adopt'...and that statement has never left my heart since.
Together, we'd discussed adoption as a part of our family. After our miscarriage, and the wait in trying to get pregnant again, we had begun to pursue adoption...only to find out that we'd have to wait until our 3rd anniversary (this upcoming September) before we were able to move forward with anything.
SO, this news combined with our 'new leaf' and leaving my all seemed to us like the Lord was leading us to: have me go to nursing school, which would take me about 2.5 - 3 years, while going through the adoption process which takes 2-3 then I could start my new career after spending some time with baby. But, like I said, we weren't 'making plans' the Lord had us on our knees waiting on Him and trusting that whatever little plans He has for our lives were better than we could have imagined....
and here we are...still in the midst of it all, but moving on, nonetheless.
While I always thought of myself as a working mom with kids in daycare, the Lord has been working on changing my heart and discovering femininity and different roles for women - one being a mom that stays at home.
I've dreamed of not working and lavishly living my days without work :) (who hasn't), but this is one direction I had never thought of for myself...and now seems like quite a possibility!
So, that's where we are. Pregnant, working part time and just praying about going back to work (at an unknown place) or school OR staying at home with the beautiful life that's growing inside of me.
Adoption is still in our future; we're certain of God's calling to do this. So we're praying about the timing of that...but focusing on where we are right now :)
So there you have case you were wondering :)