The last post was actually on my dad's would have been his 73rd birthday this year. In just a few days, we'll be at the two year mark from the day he passed. This is a bit of a rough time for each of us; each in a different way, I'm sure.
I thought I would spend some time this afternoon looking at some pictures, and as I was, I thought I would post a few of them, for some of you to learn a little about him, and others of you to remember him with me :)
Here are some pics from his surprise 70th bday party that my mom, sisters and I threw for him...
This was the best shot of him that we got all day :)
Diane and Chico - we all surrounded him for a while during some music and time of 'story sharing' from some of his friends and family.

My dad and his homies - My Tio Carlos, Mon, and "Pedrio" as my dad called him :) I call them his homies...because, well, they were all little homies when they were growing up!
My Tia Rica next to her 'little brother'

Back inside, surrounded by his gifts...but taking a break to sip some tea :)

For 4th of July (06) we all went to the college to have a picnic dinner, hang out and watch the fireworks together. Here's my dad and my cousin Hermie chatting it up :)
Later that month, we had a family quinceanera,
and here's the last pic that was taken of my dad and I.
Each year, I got my dad Dodger/Giant's tickets for the September series. Here was our last game together. He got to see Tommy Lasorda there, and said they were the best seats he ever had at a game :)

It was just he and I sitting there together, and my mom and Alex were sitting in the bleachers (I could only afford to splurge on two tickets:) I know they understood)
The game was on 9/30, which is also my niece Pagie's bday. So after the game, we went straight to dinner to meet up with the fam. This is the last picture that we have of my dad...and he's smiling :) Unfortunately, my mom's face is cut off in this frame...but they got one earlier that night where she's smiling and in the frame completely.
Last, but not least, my 'signature' picture with my daddy :) I love him and miss him dearly! I wish more than anything that he could have met Tyler, and that he could be sharing with us, everything that's going on in life...but I understand the Lord's plan and his timing. I look forward to be reuniting with him some day, when 'my number is called' as he would say :)
When someone you love becomes a memory,
the memory becomes a treasure.