Tuesday, June 26, 2012

had to share...

had to share this because I'd want it if i could get it!!
Posted: 26 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT
For today only (6/26), you can use code: 1510 to get a one year subscription to Everyday with Rachael Ray magazine for just $4.50.

Miss Y'all!

I have about 3 minutes while I finish listening to focus on the family, and thought I'd pop this up real quick!

I miss processing my days or parts of them here...sharing pics and the haps....sigh...but things are still a little nutty.  BETTER, but nutty.

In the middle of swim lessons for Em.  She's getting to sleep better these days (almost a week now) but we have at least 1 visit a night from her, when I walk her back to her room and she hops back in to bed and goes right back to sleep. BUT MAMA is tired.

Trying to get some things done for us and our home AND gifts we're wanting to put together AND started preparations for Emma's 2nd birthday party.  Time just ticks and runs away!

Anyhow, FoF is over now and I MUST get to work around here!!

Here's a little shot of my little tired mama after swimming today.  If it weren't for swim lessons last and this week, I'd be doing 2 naps a day, but sadly cannot right now...poor little sweetie.

mean, I know.  I got the camera out because just before this, when I noticed she was drinking her milk with her eyes closed, I asked if she was all done and she said, "Mas cheese" while her eyes were closing up on her...;0

Have a great week and I hope to be back soon!