Friday, September 24, 2010


Just wanted to share really quickly before it's feeding time again :) 

Yesterday I looked in to details of a financial assistance program that Kaiser offers.  We were told to apply for it, so we did.  We received notification that we were 'approved' but I wasn't really sure what it was going to cover...and we still hadn't received an official bill from our time in the hospitals. 

Well, this wonderful assistance programs has decided to 'pick up' our ENTIRE bill!  They are paying for our small charges at Kaiser, as well as the ENTIRE Dameron bill!!  PRAISE THE LORD - blessings are, as always, more than we'd prayed for.  We were praying for help in paying it off, but free?!  God is so good!  ...He knows there are so many things to still pick up for little Ms Emma that we need at home :)

OH - are you curious as to how much my 6 day stay and Emma's 12 day stay totaled?  OK, 

nuts, huh?!  Well, I guess not too bad considering it includes NICU care...but still :)  After speaking to someone on the phone to explain the coverage, we also received a notice in the mail about it  yesterday that included the total cost.  Too funny. 

Just wanted to share our awesome answer to prayer, and encourage everyone to pray through it all!  God answers prayers, for sure:)


Aunt Nell said...

oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME! What a true blessing. God makes me smile. Thanks for the reminder to always put things in Gods hands...he wants to take the "load" from us...but are we willing to place it in his hands!! So happy for you guys.

Cathy/Nani said...

Isn't that marvelous. WOW!!!!! Amazing!!!Praise God. Why do we expect less? :) So wonderful.
With our economy how it is, you never know what will happen. :)
but GOD still owns it all.

How is Miss Emma today? She looks so wiggly in the pictures.. like she is really ready to roll all the way over by herself, or try to take off. ;)


Are you kidding me?? almost 40G's?
Love you guys!

Will, Angelica, Cienna, Taylynn, Kolton & Paitlee Cross said...

Praise God!! Connie, my mom works for Kaiser if you have any questions from here on out :)

The McCormack Family said...

That is SO awesome! God is SO GOOD!!!!!!